Complete Detail of Silver Coin

In the next era of Gupta, the silver coin in Bengal is reappearing through the horical coins. These coins attracted researchers’ attention in the twenties and sixties. In the second half of the Christian seven century or first half of the eight century, the ancient Horical state was composed of the coastal areas of Bangladesh, Comilla, Chittagong and quite a few parts of Tripura. Chinese immigrant E-Tsingh visited the area in Christian 673-687 while visiting India. He referred to the horickel as the pre-India border in his description.

In the beginning, the kings of the Kharag dynasty ruled this region, in the next time, the Dev dynasty will rise. Another dynasty is also known, who ruled the region in approximately eight centuries. The title ‘Akar’ was used at the end of their names. The same coin contains the name of the king is Lalitakar, Ramakar, Pradyummakar, Antakar or other. The reign of this dynasty seems to be ten centuries in light of dynasty. A rich economic situation in domestic and foreign territories are known from the huge currencies of Bilonia in Myanamati and Tripura. The second phase of horical coins are believed to be common by the Chandra Rajas.

Horical currency found from multiple places in Bangladesh and Tripura. Sylhet currency reserves are first known among the places. 8 of which are currently reserved in the British Museum and 63 coins are currently reserved at the Indian Museum in Kolkata. 52 Horical coins were discovered from 13 no. Kuthri in Shalbon Bihar and 52 horical coins from 3 no. kuthri.

The reverse portrait of the coin indicates a landing bull to the left, with a bell or necklace hanging around it. The opposite displays a triple symbol (trixula) whose necklace is hanging. Sun and Moon symbols at its top. Both sides, the portrait is within a circular border of the dots. Written in legendary Horickel and Brahmi scripts of coins. Only Hari can be seen in small coins. Horickel can be read clearly in a few coins in the second series or ‘Bractriates’. Sometimes the legendary Berka (it could be Harik) has been carved.

Different scholars read this legend differently..

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